
This cheat sheet contains the commands that I use on a daily basis. Most of the commands have been covered in the notes section.

Terminal Commands

Ctrl + c - terminate the current running program

Ctrl + z - suspend the current running program

fg - bring back to foreground

bg - finish running in background

cd - change directory

ls - list content of a directory

pwd - print current working directory

rm -rf - delete directory (beware)

mkdir - make directory

mv - move or rename files

cp - copy files

cat - print content to screen

tmux - more explanation below

Vim Commands (Basics not included)

All commands below are for normal mode.

Global Commands

:q! - quit, don't save

:wq - write and quit

/word - find word

gg=G - format all lines

Editing Commands

u - copy line

yy - copy line

dd - delete line (works as a "cut" also)

p - paste line

2yy - copy 2 lines (can change number for more lines & works with the other commands above too)

Movement Commands (h,j,k,l left, down, up, right)

0 - jump to the start of the line

$ - jump to the end of the line

gg - go to first line of document

5gg - go to line 5

Multiple files

:e file - edit file in new buffer

:bn - next buffer

:bp -previous buffer

:bd - delete buffer

:ls - list all buffers

:sp file - open a file in a new buffer and split window

:vs file - open a file in a new buffer and vertically split window

Ctrl + wh - move cursor to the left window (vertical split)

Ctrl + wl - move cursor to the right window (vertical split)

Ctrl + wj - move cursor to the window below (horizontal split)

Ctrl + wk - move cursor to the window above (horizontal split)

Notice how changing the letter after Ctrl + w + (h, j, k, l) controls the direction you move your cursor to.


tmux - to open tmux

All commands below are prefixed with Ctrl + b read the guide for more details.


c - create window

& - close window

p - previous window

n - next window

0 ... 9 - select window by number


% - split pane vertically

" - split pane horizontally

arrow keys - switch to pane to the direction

z - toggle pane zoom (fullscreen pane)

! - convert pane into a window

x - close current pane